ICO for beginners - How To Earn 100 Times Return On Investment?

What is ICO?
Initial coin offering - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initial_coin_offeringInitial coin offering (ICO) is an unregulated and controversial means of crowdfunding via use of cryptocurrency, which can be a source of capital for startup companies. In an ICO a percentage of the newly issued cryptocurrency is sold to investors in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

Pro and Cons to purchase ICO
Pro :-
If you plan to purchase ICO, you always have a chance to be the first group of people to enjoy benefit like discount or get up to 50% more coin. This means when the coin list, you have a chance to earn 5 times or 20 times of the grow.
Electroneum Signup OfferEthereum
ICO price: USD 2
Listed: USD 400
Return: 200 Times
ICO Price: USD 0.02
Listed: USD 0.6
Return: 30 Times
ICO Price: USD 1
Listed: USD 36
Return: 36 Times
ICO Price: USD 0.01
Listed: USD 10
Return: 1000 Times

Unlike IPO that have a lots rule and regulation. You need to have a minimum investment lets say $100,000 or a million to participate in IPO. In ICO everyone can participate any amount of investment. Person like us who don't have that much of money have opportunity to buy it. 

Because ICO have extraordinary attraction on the return. Everyone are jumping in and this give someone opportunity to scam in ICO. Not all ICO is successfull. Some ICO not even develop and deliver their coin after ICO. 99.8% of ICO is scam. That's why China and Korea banned ICO in their country. Unlike UK have a better law to control ICO.
Because of all those ICO scam, we as a ordinary investor have to be smarter and knowledgeable select the great ICO that can give us not only the good return. The most important not loss our hard earn money.

What If you have miss a potential ICO?
You have to act fast when it listed in exchange, because you still have a change to grab cheap. For example, when ethereum listed the first hour have reach USD 4. Many feel it was earning 100% and sell off their crypto. I have grab it at USD 20, however it still very cheap for a potential cryptocurrency. Compare to the price now, it have growth USD 400. Still have very good profit.  

Before you get involve in ICO some rule you have to follow. 
1. Do not invest directly from your exchange wallet into ICO. You will lost your money
2. Read the ICO rule and regulation properly. Not all the ICO as simple as purchase with bitcoin or eth. Like EOS and Tezos they are building their blockchain. The way of purchasing the ICO is more complicated.
3. Keep your wallet private key. Some ICO will create a new wallet, if you loss your money.
4. Invest in the early stage as possible. 

How to Buy 100X growth ICO?
1. Understand how that can potentially help the society or decentralise some industry.
2. The team/group of expert who are working on the project
3. Read their whitepaper to understand about how their project helps
4. See their projection times to complete and launch their coin.
5. Search around some forum, youtube or blog to see what's others people look at the coin. Listen to their review and make your own decision. 

Why You should Invest in 2017 Biggest ICO - Electroneum
WHY Electroneum?
- Duncan Logan the CEO of RocketSpace A Long Time Investor of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  But he said #Electroneum will be the First ICO he will ever Invest in!
- Big Investors Like Uber, IBM, Spotify and Hootsuite..
- Electroneum is First coin to be Created in the UK!
- The Most user friendly Coin Powered by an App!
- Focused on the Mobile Game and Gambling Industry Will be Massive!
- You can Mine Electroneum on your App by playing Games!
- A Decentralize Blockchain with a Centralized App!
- Fastest transactions ive ever seen 2 sec
- Electroneum is starting at a Penny!
- App is Ready and Live for Downloads on Andriod.
14th September They Started Giving Coins 31st October They Close With Bonuses!
$0.01 Per Coin ( Bitcoin, ETH ,USD CASH,EURO,GBP BRITISH POUND ) Accepted!

Why most people don't buy electroneum?

They may be already invested in others ICO that they feel more potential
They may be stuck their money in some others exchange or ICO
Some though the project doesn't realistic
This have possibility to have 100 Times return on investment
Last Offer 31 October 2017
Go To Electroneum Website