ICO for beginners - How To Earn 100 Times Return On Investment?

What is ICO?
Initial coin offering - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initial_coin_offeringInitial coin offering (ICO) is an unregulated and controversial means of crowdfunding via use of cryptocurrency, which can be a source of capital for startup companies. In an ICO a percentage of the newly issued cryptocurrency is sold to investors in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

Pro and Cons to purchase ICO
Pro :-
If you plan to purchase ICO, you always have a chance to be the first group of people to enjoy benefit like discount or get up to 50% more coin. This means when the coin list, you have a chance to earn 5 times or 20 times of the grow.
Electroneum Signup OfferEthereum
ICO price: USD 2
Listed: USD 400
Return: 200 Times
ICO Price: USD 0.02
Listed: USD 0.6
Return: 30 Times
ICO Price: USD 1
Listed: USD 36
Return: 36 Times
ICO Price: USD 0.01
Listed: USD 10
Return: 1000 Times

Unlike IPO that have a lots rule and regulation. You need to have a minimum investment lets say $100,000 or a million to participate in IPO. In ICO everyone can participate any amount of investment. Person like us who don't have that much of money have opportunity to buy it. 

Because ICO have extraordinary attraction on the return. Everyone are jumping in and this give someone opportunity to scam in ICO. Not all ICO is successfull. Some ICO not even develop and deliver their coin after ICO. 99.8% of ICO is scam. That's why China and Korea banned ICO in their country. Unlike UK have a better law to control ICO.
Because of all those ICO scam, we as a ordinary investor have to be smarter and knowledgeable select the great ICO that can give us not only the good return. The most important not loss our hard earn money.

What If you have miss a potential ICO?
You have to act fast when it listed in exchange, because you still have a change to grab cheap. For example, when ethereum listed the first hour have reach USD 4. Many feel it was earning 100% and sell off their crypto. I have grab it at USD 20, however it still very cheap for a potential cryptocurrency. Compare to the price now, it have growth USD 400. Still have very good profit.  

Before you get involve in ICO some rule you have to follow. 
1. Do not invest directly from your exchange wallet into ICO. You will lost your money
2. Read the ICO rule and regulation properly. Not all the ICO as simple as purchase with bitcoin or eth. Like EOS and Tezos they are building their blockchain. The way of purchasing the ICO is more complicated.
3. Keep your wallet private key. Some ICO will create a new wallet, if you loss your money.
4. Invest in the early stage as possible. 

How to Buy 100X growth ICO?
1. Understand how that can potentially help the society or decentralise some industry.
2. The team/group of expert who are working on the project
3. Read their whitepaper to understand about how their project helps
4. See their projection times to complete and launch their coin.
5. Search around some forum, youtube or blog to see what's others people look at the coin. Listen to their review and make your own decision. 

Why You should Invest in 2017 Biggest ICO - Electroneum
WHY Electroneum?
- Duncan Logan the CEO of RocketSpace A Long Time Investor of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  But he said #Electroneum will be the First ICO he will ever Invest in!
- Big Investors Like Uber, IBM, Spotify and Hootsuite..
- Electroneum is First coin to be Created in the UK!
- The Most user friendly Coin Powered by an App!
- Focused on the Mobile Game and Gambling Industry Will be Massive!
- You can Mine Electroneum on your App by playing Games!
- A Decentralize Blockchain with a Centralized App!
- Fastest transactions ive ever seen 2 sec
- Electroneum is starting at a Penny!
- App is Ready and Live for Downloads on Andriod.
14th September They Started Giving Coins 31st October They Close With Bonuses!
$0.01 Per Coin ( Bitcoin, ETH ,USD CASH,EURO,GBP BRITISH POUND ) Accepted!

Why most people don't buy electroneum?

They may be already invested in others ICO that they feel more potential
They may be stuck their money in some others exchange or ICO
Some though the project doesn't realistic
This have possibility to have 100 Times return on investment
Last Offer 31 October 2017
Go To Electroneum Website

Bitcoin Cash is now available in the Blockchain Wallet

Any user who had a Bitcoin balance in their Blockchain wallet when the fork activated, will be able to access the same amount in BCH (Bitcoin Cash (BCH) hard fork activated on August 1st)

Now bitcoin cash is selling at around $310 per coin, which is 3 times cheaper than the highest reach $1000. On coming 18 November Segwit2X will again release Bitcoin Gold. This is the third fork, will we able to receive a free Bitcoin Gold?

了解比特币挖矿, 5种虚拟货币是不能挖的?

比特币挖矿是怎么回事?首先必须搞懂为什么比特币需要用来挖?如果每个人都能够购买一台挖矿机, 那么为什么还要用钱来买呢?

这类电脑一般有专业的挖矿芯片,多采用烧显卡的方式工作,耗电量较大。用户用个人计算机下载软件然后运行特定算法,与远方服务器通讯后可得到相应比特币,是获取比特币的方式之一。2013年流行的数字货币有,比特币、莱特币、泽塔币、便士币(外网)、隐形金条、红币、极点币、烧烤币、质数币。目前全世界发行有上百种数字货币。不是每种虚拟货币都可以被挖的, 也不是说不能被挖的就不是加密货币。

很多人说比特币就好像我们用的纸钞内的数字, 我们大家都知道每张的纸钞的数字都不同。 那么谁先猜到虚拟货币的数字就谁可以得到比特币。 这个说法完全错误。

在技术上我们只用2 种数学算法来计算或挖矿。 BTC 的SHA-256算法和SCRYPT算法.大部分山寨币,也构架于这二个算法. 今天我不谈技术上的问题, 因为非常复杂还牵涉到挖矿的算力和挖矿机的功能决定。

比特幣Bitcoin運算難度一年比一年难。目前又暴增到 5081萬。 虚拟货币的挖矿就是通过去中心化去把交易程序由电脑计算。不需要通过第三方信用如政府或银行来做确认。 只要拥有虚拟货币的人相信电脑就可以了。 为了去中心化, 让市场公平竞争得到完整的管理交易程序, 因此一套好的计算系统决定了挖矿的数度, 当然这不包括你使用的GPU。

在GPU ATI HD4670 挖礦處理速度得到多少 hash/ s 等等的问题。

那么目前除了去中心化, 也有一些虚拟货币是属于中心化管理。 那么中心化管理的虚拟货币有的是可以挖的, 但是是由创办虚拟货币的人才能挖。 有些是不能挖的, 原因是这些虚拟货币在整个巨块链里的功能是不能被挖的。 因为有些虚拟货币并非货币, 有些虚拟货币他可能是在整个巨快链内只是插件来提升功能, 有些是产品。 

那么今天我们就来聊聊那些虚拟货币是不能挖的, 我今天只讲最出名的5个。




NXT让每个人可以制造他们自己的虚拟货币,用在特定的活动。 价值是由我们自己决定,这种虚拟货币我们叫内币。 内币没有的让市场喊价, 也没有的让市场炒价。 不像比特币和以太坊只要有抄家,价钱就很容易被市场新闻影响。 因为价钱是由创办人决定, 发行量也是由发行者决定。 不像以太坊和比特币,发行量是已经是有限的。当发行完毕就不再发行。


WAVES在创办出来的时候,全部的货币已经被ICO的筹备中全数收购。他们称他们是以太坊的竞争对手, 使用POS ( PROVE OF STAKE)来结算交易而且数度是以太坊的30倍快。 也是属于智慧合同虚拟货币之一。 他的价值不是通过HOLDER,不像一般虚拟货币。只要越多人收就一定会起价。 这是100%被公司股东控制的虚拟货币。当然你也可以通过交易所买到这个货币。 WAVES其实就和股票没什么差别。 一般人觉得中心化虚拟货币好, 因为有什么事情可以找到人去解决。 去中心化的不好, 有事情只能够靠自己和电脑讲话。 没有对错! 比特币的诞生就是希望货币不被机构控制。 


当Factom的诞生,每个人都非常兴奋一种使用 proof of usage 确认使用权的模式发行这样的虚拟货币。因为它是在比特币的巨块链内诞生的, 因此你不能把它当是产品, 但是factom 它是属于一种用来确认巨块链被使用时需要用到的一个token, 每单交易将由factom的系统被安全审核通过的数据将在从新储存到factom 以帮助比特币巨块链无法记录的数据。 它也不属于虚拟货币但拥有虚拟货币的功能。不能在市场做任何交易, 因为它只是产品。 就好像我们经过高数公路飞快车时被电眼拍照。 不是每辆车都拍照做记录的, 是犯法的跑快车过了车速才被拍照,factom 功能有点像电眼那样, 只不过每次一拍照就自动付费了。 factom就是金钱和产品和QC的产品。 在每一个巨块链的交易做审核记录,不是每单交易需要记录的。一旦记录就需要用到的货币。所有的数据就会被保存并从新整理使用。


MaidSafe 也是一种完全不能挖的虚拟货币。投资者拿着10%的发行量,90% 已经全数用来鼓励内部矿家。 外面基本没有一台矿机是可以挖Maidsafe的。Maidsafe 主要是用来给graphic card 的用户提供他们的hard drive space 进行研发graphic card的。 

当然还有更多的虚拟货币是不能挖的, 有些是垃圾币, 有些是被发行机构控制的等等。如果不了解虚拟货币的科技,不了解巨块链如何运用在多方面的科技发展。

你买的虚拟货币可能就下了大海。 如果有人说虚拟货币是假的用来骗人钱的。 那么只可以说无知的人才会被骗。 不管是能挖的虚拟货币,还是不能挖的虚拟货币。 不管是价值被操控还是开放的。 不管是中心化虚拟货币还是去中心化虚拟货币。 最重要的是, 只要这个虚拟货币的功能完全是属于对人类有贡献的巨块链技术。 而并非靠人找人,用直销才能够卖出去, 需要对接商家才能够产生价值的虚拟货币。你就必须考虑考虑,避免进入了老千的圈套。毕竟虚拟货币是一项非常高科技的产品。 


如果你想通过挖比特币和以太坊, 可以通过购买合约挖矿。你只需要购买挖礦算力販售 可以挖掘比特幣, 以太幣 , 門羅幣:比特幣合約最划算 每日收益約0.75%,月收益23%。


等! 您不用付任何的费用,

欢迎来到我的虚拟货币部落格。这是一个全新的比特币钱包, Quinpro 早在2013年就已经存在。 我知道免费的东西未必是真的尤其是送比特币这类有金钱价值的东西。不管你是从哪里找到我比特币,以太坊等。 免费是世界最好的礼物。

你不需要每天进你的钱包, 更不用每天去按广告。 


  • 0.00000250 BitCoin and 0.00000002 BTC daily 
  • 0.00007671 LiteCoin and 0.00000036 LTC daily
  • 0.00604838 FeatherCoin and 0.00002827 FTC daily
  • 0.24640460 Virtacoin and 0.03577794 VTA daily
  • 0.00056826 PeerCoin and 0.00000630 PPC daily
  • 0.00004063 Dash and 0.00000040 DASH daily
  • 0.00025130 Neo and 0.00000264 NEO daily
  • 0.00000250 Bitcoin Cash and 0.00000002 BCH daily
每一个虚拟货币的价值可以游览 coinmarketcap.com 查询。



暂时是新的比特币钱包, 请不要放你的钱进去。 避免在钱包更新中出现问题。


一点都不出奇, 在PAYPAL开始的时候,他们也给用户免费$10. 面子书和谷歌要你使用他们的广告都会给50,100,150,200 美金的使用广告费。在联盟行销分为3种。CPA pay per action 是最有效的一种, 而且还会制造口碑效应的行销效果。

联盟行销affiliate program
1. Pay per view/million 广告费是每1000游览收费
2. Pay per click 广告费是每一个点击收费
3. Pay per action (CPA) 广告费是每一个成功加入/行动收费

现在就去 Quinpro 那你的比特币。比特币买卖平台

Free Bitcoin Every 24 Hours

What If You Can Earn Free Bitcoin Every 24 Hours. 
Wait! You Don't Need To Pay A Single Cent,
Not Hype, Not Ponzi Scheme, Not Scam
So, What's the hac? 

Dear Cypto Friends,
Welcome to my blog that giving out free bitcoin. I know it is hard to believe when a new wallet in a beta test giving out free bitcoin. Either you are purposely looking searching on search engine looking for free bitcoin, ethereum, neo, dash, litecoin whatever. Free is always the best, especially when it was crypto currency. So what's the hac?

You don't have to login everyday; you don't have to do boring stuff like solving captcha or clicking ads. 

I have tried some free bitcoin program and android app that promise to give a way free bitcoin. Once I join, I have to watch their advertising everyday just to get some bitcoins. And yet, they don't let you to withdraw before you reach certain amount of satoshi.

Once I sign up this wallet. I straight away receive my crypto. Not only bitcoin, is many others coin. Sound to good to be true. However, they keep their promise and sent all this crypto directly to my wallet.

Here what I have receive
2 satoshi of bitcoin
2 satoshi of bitcoin cash
40 satoshi of Dash
2827 satoshi of feathercoin
36 satoshi of litecoin
264 satoshi of neo
630 satoshi of peercoin
357794 of virtacoin

I happy with it. Because it is free. No harm to sign up, they will not sell your email to anyone else. 

Wait, this is not end yet. Quinpro promise to giveaway this coin daily. 

Signup and we will credit your QoinPro wallet with:
  • 0.00000250 BitCoin and 0.00000002 BTC daily
  • 0.00007671 LiteCoin and 0.00000036 LTC daily
  • 0.00604838 FeatherCoin and 0.00002827 FTC daily
  • 0.24640460 Virtacoin and 0.03577794 VTA daily
  • 0.00056826 PeerCoin and 0.00000630 PPC daily
  • 0.00004063 Dash and 0.00000040 DASH daily
  • 0.00025130 Neo and 0.00000264 NEO daily
  • 0.00000250 Bitcoin Cash and 0.00000002 BCH daily
More coins are being added constantly, others can be unlocked and multipliers up-to 1250% are applied daily.

What is my Advice?

When you check their FAQ, the first question people are concern about is why they can giving out free bitcoin. Here is the answer

How do you make money and how can you give away coins for free?

We realize that our business model isn't immediately apparent if you look at the website right now. However, rest assured that we have a comprehensive business plan.
The primary objective of step one is to educate people about crypto-currencies and make it easy for people to get started. Simply sign-up, start receiving coins and learn more about bitcoin. In other words, "Educate and Facilitate". Step one was the multi-coin faucet where we give coins away for free every day. Step two was the launch of a complete multi-currency online wallet where you (will continue to) receive free coins every 24 hours.
In the coming weeks (and months) additional functionality will be added to the website that will provide us with the necessary revenue streams. Until that time (and after that) we're backed by private investors.

My advice to you is do not use this wallet for any transaction right now. Because they are still in beta test. However, no harm to sign up to be their wallet user and receive some bitcoin from them. This promotion can be end any times when they ready to launch their wallet globally.

Does It Make Sense To Give Away Money For Free?

I still remember when I first come to know about Paypal launched. They also gave 10 USD for free to anyone joining. There are many company use the same strategy in build the mass market using CPA affiliate. Which is pay per action, instead of paying million in Google or facebook with pay per click and pay per view advertising that will not guaranteed new users sign up. By paying directly to a users like us to gain word of mouth advertising still be the most effective marketing strategy, especially in very competitive cryptocurrency wallet market.

NO harm to get a new wallet and test it out! Right. 

Since, they are so honor to giving out crypto. Go to Quinpro Claim your crypto now.