How to Buy or Exchange For Ethereum In Malaysia

Ethereum become the second largest crypto currency yesterday after the crash on 27 May 2017. The price going up and reach $220 new high today.

Many people ask me. How to buy ethereum coin in Malaysia.

We sell Ethereum for people who are interested in investing/payment purpose with Ether.
We also provide exchange if you want to use your bitcoin to exchange ethereum with us. There are no additional charges if you exchange online with us.  

Why should you keep Ethereum?
1) If you're confident into Ethereum investment and looking into long term profit.
2) You plan to buy something using Ethereum
3) You plan to invest using Ethereum.

4) Just to keep some..

Advantages of buying from us
1) We are trusted reseller of selling bitcoin & ethereum locally in Malaysia.
2) You get ethereum immediately instead of waiting for wire transfer period, processing period, as well as saving all those transaction fees.

3)You don't have to go through the hassle for registering Ethereum Exchange website, We do the job for you as an Agent
4)Think of buying it? not sure how long to get your etheruem after payment? buy from us and you'll know it. from sending payment to receiving take less than 5min,longest 10min i assured.(when i'm contactable,almost 24/7)


Whatsapp: 0166517355

1Broker Social Trading

1Broker is more than just a regular trading platform: You can socialize and exchange your thoughts by commenting on shared trades. Detailed statistics provide interesting insights into the activity of other traders. Best of all, if you find users who copy you, you will receive a reward for each public trade. A perfect opportunity to build an audience and earn a passive income! 

We happily serve more than 10,000 users and handled over 1,000,000 trades since 2012. Our philosophy: Simplicity, speed and security.

Recommend deposit 0.1 btc, because when you choose copytrade You can copy at least 0.01 btc for 10 trade. So, you can reduce your risk. 

How to be a Millionaire with 0.1 btc, lets say your copy a trade for 12 month. And expected you never withdraw the money for 12 month. Expected income grow based on monthly 100% in profit.

1 month : 0.10 btc
2 month: 0.20 btc
3 month: 0.40 btc
4 month: 0.80 btc
5 month: 1.60 btc
6 month: 3.20 btc
7 month: 6.40 btc
8 month: 12.80 btc
9 month: 25.60 btc
10 month: 51.20 btc
11 month: 102.40 btc
12 month: 204.80 btc

1 btc worth $2500 now. The time when you have 204 btc, you are a $510,000 


1Broker 是一般人都知道的交易平台。 您可以和投资手互相学习, 通过交流和数据找到最赚钱的方式。

已经超过 1,000,000 从 2012起. 我们则哲学是: 简单, 快,安全.


最低投资 0.1 btc, 是为了降低你亏钱的风险 0.1 btc 大概需要 RM 1000.00 

12 个月内成为百万不是梦
如果每个月你的比特币只涨100%. 看看上面任何一位高手, 都能够赚几百百巴仙。

1 month : 0.10 btc
2 month: 0.20 btc
3 month: 0.40 btc
4 month: 0.80 btc
5 month: 1.60 btc
6 month: 3.20 btc
7 month: 6.40 btc
8 month: 12.80 btc
9 month: 25.60 btc
10 month: 51.20 btc
11 month: 102.40 btc
12 month: 204.80 btc

目前一粒比特币价钱大概在 $2500 美金. 一年后如果你有 204 btc粒比特币, 你将拥有 $510,000 美金 

立刻开户口, 给钱我帮你买比特币只需要RM 1000.00


本影片帶您快速了解 Bitcoin 基本觀念 Bitcoin是這世界上第一個數位分散式虛擬貨幣 它是一種你可以透過網路傳送的數位錢幣 與其它貨幣相比較的話 Bitcoin有很多優勢 它可以直接透過網路將錢從某個人傳送給另一個人 而不用透過任何的銀行或是票據交換所 這代表著你可以省掉非常多的手續費 你可以在任何的國家使用Bitcoin 你的帳號也無法被凍結 而且使用Bitcoin也沒有任何的條件或是限制 讓我們來看看它是如何運作的 Bitcoin完全是透過網路所產生的 任何人都可以透過軟體來產生 這個動作叫挖礦 每一個Bitcoin的區塊必須透過一定數量的挖礦動作 這個數量會透過網路自動的調整 如此一來Bitcoin的產生將可以被限制在一定的總量 你的Bitcoin會存放在數位錢包裡 使用它就像在使用你所習慣的網路銀行一樣簡單 當你使用Bitcoin轉帳時 您的交易將會被加上電子簽證 經過幾分鐘後此交易將會被其它的挖礦者所驗證 並且被永久且暱名的存放在網路之中 Bitcoin將有如網頁影響著出版界一樣影響金融市場 當所有人都在公開市場上使用Bitcoin的時侯 將會產生更多好的點子 讓我們來看看一些目前已經在世界上運作的簡單例子 你可以用Bitcoin購買遊戲、禮物、書籍、租用伺服器 或是草泥馬毛的襪子! 目前也已經有許多貨幣可以使用Bitcoin來兌換了 像是美金 或是歐元 還有更多其它的貨幣 讓更多人注意及交易的管道 你不用花費任何的金錢就能開始接受此貨幣的付款 它也沒有任何的扣款或是手續費 並且你將會透過Bitcoin經濟體系得到得多的工作

Bitcoin Malaysia 比特币马来西亚


Cash, Bank Transfer, Credit Card

You can buy bitcoin in LocalBitcoins or Remitano compare to the international bitcoin rate you will found that buying bitcoin in malaysia the price is higher. Their currency conversion rate will be around 4.5 to 4.7
That's means if you buy USD 100 bitcoin , you will need RM 450 to RM 470 to get it.

Malaysia will legalise bitcoin purchase very soon, that's mean you need to pay extra 6% GST if legally next year. Keep track all the bitcoin Malaysia news in newspaper, google it or I will post updated news in my blog.

If someone telling you bitcoin is "TIPU" that means they actually joining a bitcoin scheme or HYIP (high yield investment program) pay with bitcoin. That's is normal, majority Malaysian do not understand about bitcoin. Google it or search on youtube what is bitcoin, learn it before you do any investment on it. 

You can buy and sell bitcoin whatsapp me 0166517355 or telegram me @coinsecret I can if you an advice and answer any question in my youtube channel. (So, far I'm only starting chinese version, however you can ask question in comment) I will try my best to answer your question from trading to bitcoin mining. 

If you want to buy bitcoin directly from me, I will try my best to source the best price for you with +3.5% service charge. However you will get very satisfied lower price compare to LocalBitcoins or Remitano 

首先你可以到 LocalBitcoins 或 Remitano 这两个都是出名的比特币交易平台。

您可以使用银行过账或现金交易,一般汇率会在4.5 到 4.7 如果你选择更低价钱。
比如你要购买100美金的比特币, 一般上你必须付出马币450 到马币470 才能够买到。

那么您可以直接联络我60166517355, 我可以帮你寻找合适的比特币价钱但是费用是+3.5%我的服务费用。

Why Should You Need To Learn Crypto Currency?

Cryptoversity exists primarily to help build this vision by educating people on how to tap into the opportunities and freedoms offered by Bitcoin, crypto-currencies and blockchains.

When I discovered the world of Bitcoin and crypto-currencies, it took about a year for me to realise the one major thing holding it back from being adopted more widely was the lack of good quality education on the subject.

I would highly recommend that you listen to this episode of Bitcoins and Gravy where Chris Coney (The founder of Cryptoversity) was interviewed by John Barret. 

Ethereum Will All Way High

ETH is the clear alt-choice and the current price is a lock in. When there are continuous higher monthly lows, you're in a bull run that won't let up. The price is consolidating near thetrend line which means a break out is coming. I'd buy as much as possible now, then check to see how things have changed in the Fall or around Christmas. No brainer. Don't get sidetracked or overtrade. Don't panic if you see 20% draw down. Holders win in the long run. Go long.

Analyst with TradingView

Open Your Door To Understand BlockChain

A film by Manuel Stagars In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto invented bitcoin and the blockchain. For the first time in history, his invention made it possible to send money around the globe without banks, governments or any other intermediaries. The concept of the blockchain isn’t very intuitive. But still, many people believe it is a game changer. Economist and filmmaker Manuel Stagars portrays this exciting technology in interviews with software developers, cryptologists, researchers, entrepreneurs, consultants, VCs, authors, politicians, and futurists from the United States, Canada, Switzerland, the UK, and Australia. The Blockchain and Us is no explainer video of the technology. It gives a view on the topic, makes it accessible and starts a conversation about its potential wider implications in a non-technical way. The film deliberately poses more questions than it answers.